Small business innovation workshops to run in Gympie

Two new innovation workshops will run from 9am to noon on 28 Oct and 18 Nov 2020 at The Generator, Gympie.

Bookings now closed.

These practical innovation workshops are aimed at small business owners and managers from a wide range of industry sectors. The workshops provide an opportunity to step back and learn more about how innovation can help you achieve your personal and business objectives and increase your profits and impact. 

Compared to non-innovators, innovative businesses are 40% more likely to increase income and profitability, twice as likely to export, and two to three times more likely to report increased productivity, employment and training (Australian Innovation System 2016 Report).

Workshop One: Developing an Innovation Mindset

Innovation starts inside your head. It is a way of thinking that drives your behaviours and actions. Innovation success is not dependent on how much money you invest, instead, it is much more related to your thinking and actions. 

This practical workshop is aimed at small business owners and managers – although also relevant to many others – and will help you to understand how to develop an innovation mindset and how this can boost your business. 

Content includes: 

  • Introducing innovation - opportunities and benefits for small businesses.

  • How innovative are we currently?

  • The elements of an innovation mindset. 

  • The Innovators DNA – how to cultivate it.

  • Different types of innovation – not just new products.

  • Develop new ways of working to integrate innovation into your business.

  • Challenges and opportunities presented by Covid-19. 

Business Innovation, workshop at The Generator, Gympie

Workshop Two: From Concept to Commercialisation – practical tools and processes to take your idea to commercial reality

Innovation is about executing new ideas to create value. It is not just about new products and services but also new ways of doing business, including tapping into technology.  

This workshop draws upon research and examples from small businesses and introduces practical tools and techniques you can use to take your idea to commercial reality.

Content includes:

·      How to evaluate and shortlist new ideas

·      A strategic approach - the Innovation Pyramid.

·      Commercialisation pathways – from DIY to partnering, skills needed.

·      Understanding the market and identifying target segments. 

·      How to test or pilot your idea, including Lean Startup Principles.

·      Implementation – making time, making things happen, understanding and accelerating adoption.

Bookings now closed.

Colin Graham